Măriuca Talpeș

Măriuca Talpeș together with Florin, her husband, founded Bitdefender, which cyber security technologies and solutions are used to protect over 500 million endpoints in over 150 countries, from individual users to the largest organizations.

She created and is currently leading Intuitext, an educational tech company. Intuitext team of psychologists, teachers and software professionals pioneered the usage of technology in the education in Romania, introducing the first ebooks, the first digital lessons at the beginning of 2000 years. examenultau.ro and scoalaintuitext.ro, are solutions supporting the learning and building skills process for students from 1st to 8th grade. didactic.ro, suntparinte.ro and viitoriolimpici.ro, online communities created by her team, count more than 1.5 million teachers, parents or students each month.

Măriuca is one of the leaders of the business community actively involved in the improvement of the Romanian educational system.

Following Forbes, she is one of the most 50 influential women in Romania.