Ramona Vecean

After working four years in a consultancy company, I followed my friend`s advice and opened my first business in 2014, eager to gain financial independency. During this time, I had my first baby and I started to grow an interest in baby products, especially car seats, needing to find the safest one for my daughter. This is how I started my second business in 2016, Nola, offering counseling for parents searching infant, toddler and children car seats. The counseling is highly appreciated by the parents because it`s hard to find stores that offer it.

I started gathering information when researching for the one to buy for my child but found the domain so interesting that I continued to read about it. I soon realized how far behind is Romania in this area of expertise, how the lack of information determines a low rate of correct use of car seats therefore a high number of children injured in car accidents. So, I decided to get more involved in educating parents, offering them the well needed information in the car seat store, Nola, and by posting on blog articles regarding safety in the car.

Currently I am on a brake, staying home with the second baby but I continue my work since it`s very hard to completely stop working when you found your passion. I am very thankful to my daughter for helping me find my way and I hope to give back as much as possible to all the parents in need.